
The Human heart yearns permanence.
The idea of holding on to something tangible,
The idea of being surrounded by and living in a world of constants.
Constants that we have placed so carefully in our lives, like the pieces of a chessboard that defend the king.
We find solace and security among these very pieces.
Pieces that we keep losing with every fleeting moment. 
Pieces that were meant to hold our lives together,                                                                             
Not leave behind a crumbling fortress.
We fail to see that each one of them are also donning a crown in their respective spaces.
Surrounded by pieces they believe are placed just right, to bring a smile on their faces.
The many pieces in our world have worlds of their own.
With goals and challenges, ambitions and insecurities just like our own.
We can not place the burden of our expectations on the people who surround us.
We can not expect them to help us hold our forts while they are struggling to keep their pieces together.
So the next time you find someone drifting away from your life,                                                                
Remember that you too were once an important piece in another person’s life.
Life is temporary and the pieces never constant.
Some old and others new, but every time that the board is set, you will find yourself complete in the company of all your required pieces.